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Last update: 04 July 2024

Help us understand Gulf of Oristano!

MARBEFES has launched an online survey on the sea, coasts, and wetlands of the Gulf of Oristano, Sardinia.

Do you live in, visit, or enjoy the Gulf of Oristano? Help us to understand ...


Last update: 04 July 2024

BioBlitz in Tromsø

🌿 Bioblitz Tromsø: A Biodiversity Adventure! 🌊

📅 Date: June 26, 2024 📍 Location: Telegrafbukta, Tromsø 🕙 Time: Meet at the pier around 10:00 AM (low tide)

Join us f...


Last update: 04 July 2024

Help us understand Morecambe Bay!

        MARBEFES has launched the online survey “The Social and Cultural Benefits of Morecambe Bay” Do you live in, visit, or enjoy Morecambe Bay? Help us to und...


Last update: 04 July 2024

3 new publications!

We want to present three new publications published last moment connected to our project!  Check them out through the list of publications    ...


Last update: 08 April 2024

SC meeting in Tromsø, 12-14 March 2024

The SC meeting took place in Tromsø (12-14 March 20024) - the topic of the meeting concerned the implementation of the MARBEFES project, so WP leaders presented the achievements so far and anti...


Last update: 22 March 2024

Happy World Water Day!

Happy World Water Day! 💧🌍 Held on 22 March every year since 1993, World Water Day focuses on the importance of freshwater and raises awareness of the 2.2 billion people living without access to safe w...


Last update: 04 July 2024

NEXT publication!

Next arcticle, this time in Polish Polar Research entitled: Forty years of warming: Environmental change in marine coastal habitats on Svalbard between 1981 and 2022 by Jan Marcin Węsławski and Jacek ...


Last update: 07 December 2023

Another MARBEFES article!

A new MARBEFES-flagged paper for the Sardinian BBT, entitled ‘Taxonomic and functional diversity of nematode fauna: two sides of the same coin in the ecological quality assessment of transitiona...