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WPs and objectives

MARBEFES is structured around eight WPs implementing Tasks instrumental in meeting the project objectives:

WP1 (Stakeholder involvement and governance rules) will inventory the views of stakeholders regarding perceptions of the social ecological systems of BBTs, present needs and future requirements and rules and regulations on biodiversity and ecosystems services in BBTs. It will also engage stakeholders to contribute to the tasks, and to test and evaluate project outputs in a series of workshops.

WP2 (Broad-belt transects across European seascapes) will establish the BBTs be used as test areas for a toolbox of integrated biodiversity, ecological and socio-economic assessment.

WP3 (Biodiversity and ecosystem tools) will develop:

  • tools to assess ecosystem biodiversity, structure, function and ecosystem services, to enable prediction of the impacts of human pressures, future environmental scenarios and management actions and
  • indicators and methods to better monitor seascape biodiversity and function.  

WP4 (Ecological, social and economic valuation) will develop and apply a handbook for ecological and economic valuation of biodiversity, ecosystem services and societal goods and benefits.

WP5 (Integration and scenarios) will adopt climatic and socio-economic scenarios to project future trends and assess their possible impacts, will integrate BBT data to synthesise large-scale patterns and will analyse knowledge gaps emerging from synthesis to allow for supplementary tests at BBTs.

WP6 (Upscaling and outscaling outputs for governance and stakeholders) will upscale the project outputs to provide a set of customized guidance and a Marine Biodiversity and Valuation Toolbox targeted to emerging needs, and pilot test the tools in two broader geographies (the Black Sea and Antilles (Martinique)).

WP7 (Project coordination and outreach) is a cross-cutting and coordinates the MARBEFES activities and manages its resources. It ensures smooth running of the project, timely submission of Deliverables and Milestones, communication within and outside of the project, financial management, quality assurance, data and risk management, ocean literacy and outreach activities.

WP7 is the interface of the project with the outside world. The interrelationships of the WPs are demonstrated in the Pert Diagram.

Detailed description of each workpackage below!

8 working packages

WP1 Stakeholder Involvement and Governance Rules
WP2 Broad Belt Transects across European Seascapes
WP3 Biodiversity and Ecosystem Tools
WP4 Ecological, Social and Economic Valuation
WP5 Integration and Scenarios
WP6 Upscaling/Outscaling Project Outputs for Governance & Stakeholders
WP7 Project Coordination and Outreach
WP8 Ethics requirements


The objectives of MARBEFES are to:

  • Characterize marine biodiversity in Europe, exploring links between ecological structures and functions across molecular to ecosystem levels;
  • Establish connections between biodiversity, ecosystem functions, and services for specific habitats and species in diverse ecological and socio-economic contexts;
  • Capture the ecological value of genes, species, and ecosystems, focusing on attributes like fragility and uniqueness;
  • Demonstrate how European coastal ecosystems provide services and benefits, including cultural value, tied to healthy biodiversity;
  • Use natural capital accounting to quantify ecosystem service values;
  • Recommend management strategies to maximize ecological value and optimize economic benefits;
  • Address global and European marine management needs, supporting biodiversity and human well-being through a toolbox for policy and decision-making.


MARBEFES integrates various perspectives, from policy and management on global to local scales, involving stakeholders in co-development. It combines ecological levels from molecular to ecosystem, spans spatial changes across coastal waters to the shelf, and considers temporal changes in biodiversity and ecosystem service production, including long-term climate impacts.

The project connects environmental and socio-economic variability with ecosystem services and societal benefits, defining a “healthy ecosystem” as one that conserves nature while delivering societal goods. Human welfare and economic well-being depend on ecosystem services that provide basic needs like food, clean water, shelter, and recreation.

MARBEFES adopts a broad view of biodiversity, linking societal and environmental diversity to habitat, community, population, individual, and genetic levels. The project is aligned with global initiatives like IPBES, the World Oceans Assessment, the UN’s SDGs, and the European Green Deal. By involving a multi-actor approach, MARBEFES collaborates with stakeholders to define policy and management questions.