Bioblitz in Sopot 2023
Sopot, 16-17 June 2023
Bioblitz 2023 was organized in the area of Park Północny (North Park) between Grodowy Stream and Swelina. On June 16, we focused on collecting materials, and on June 17, at the IO PAN garden located at Powstańców Warszawy 55, we demonstrated how to identify species. This time, alongside traditional field biologists, molecular biologists from EMBL (European Molecular Biology Laboratory), a global leader in organism identification techniques using genomics, also participated.
Land plants | Land vertabrates | Land invertabrates |
Marine flora | Marine vertabates | Marine invertabrates |
Participants in Bioblitz 2023
Overview of results (in Polish)
Posters (in Polish)
Information about the BioBlitz initiative (in Polish)
Photo gallery from the Science Picnic 2023 (external link)
Photo gallery from the Marbefes-Bioblitz tent (external link)
Joint event MARBEFES & BIOcean5D - BioBlitz & Ocean of Changes
Video from the event
The whole information about the action with movie in the newsroom here!