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BioBlitz records

What is a BioBlitz? 

BioBlitz – is an initiative conceived several years ago in the USA to promote understanding of the importance of biodiversity. It involves gathering as many biologists and taxonomists as possible in one well-known, publicly accessible location (a city park, a lakeside, or a seaside area) who, over the course of 24 hours, aim to find and identify the largest possible number of animal and plant species.
The first BioBlitz in Poland was organized by the Polish Academy of Sciences' Marine Research Committee in Sopot in May 2008. Subsequent events were held in 2009, again in Sopot (May 29, 2009) and in Nowy Dwór Gdański (June 13, 2009), then in Gdynia (May 29, 2010 and May 28, 2011) and the last one - in Sopot again at June 16-17,2023.
We encourage other institutions to take up this initiative—it combines elements of a scientific picnic, popularization of knowledge, and contributes to understanding the value of nature around us. A version for schools was prepared by National Geographic.

Check information about BioBlitz on Wikipedia! (external link)


Check the results of each of our BioBlitz events!

BioBlitz SOPOT June 16-17,2023 BioBlitz Tromsø June 26, 2024 BioBlitz Dublin 2025 BioBlitz Oristano 2026


Here is a link to the official webpage where you can find more BioBlitz results, not just those related to MARBEFES!