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Women's View of the Sea

On February 21st, the opening of the third edition of the "Women's Vew of the Sea" competition took place at IO PAN, organized by IO PAN in collaboration with the State Art Gallery in Sopot (PGS).
We showcased 15 awarded original works and 30 pairs of posters—scientist/artist.

The diplomas were presented to the artists by the organizers:

PGS Director Eulalia Domanowska, along with Paulina Pakszys and Jan Marcin Węslawski from IO PAN.
The vernissage welcomed over 150 guests and served as a preview of a major "marine" exhibition at PGS this fall.


Browse the gallery of boards showcasing the research topics and artistic impressions of the competition participants.


A whole photo gallery from the vernissage by S.Węsławski


As thumbnail a photo of one of the awarded works was used, by Joanna Śmielowska-Jaremin, titled Concert for Foraminifera, Tube and Carbon Molecules painting / digital collage