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Citizen science activities aimed at seniors

We have launched citizen science activities aimed at seniors. We ask people who feel an emotional relationship with the Ocean to write down their impressions of natural values, especially those related to biodiversity, during their walks along the seaside. We expect an influx of responses from volunteers, both in the form of e-mails and notes on paper dropped into the ballot boxes at agreed points. Other partners will join the action soon :)

This innocent box holds tremendous potential! 💪 Thanks to your engagement, it can help preserve biological diversity on European coasts. 🏖️

It’s part of the MARBEFES project, led by the Institute of Oceanology of the Polish Academy of Sciences. One of its goals is to investigate what society likes best about the Baltic coast🕵️‍♂️ 🌊

What does the study involve? Just write a short note about your impressions after a seaside walk. What did you like the most? What would you like to see again? The date, place, and your age group are also very useful information. You can drop the note into the wooden box at the Centrum Nauki Experyment (Gdynia, Poland) cash desks or send it directly by email (tkijewski@iopan.gda.pl)

Download the note from here!