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Stichting Hummel Foundation for Sustainable Solutions

Role: Partner
Acronym: HuFoSS

HuFoSS is a non-profit foundation that aims to stimulate innovative initiatives in the field of: conservation and restoration of seascapes, management of protected areas, and prioritising management aspects of nature areas, use of ecosystem services that are in balance with the natural environment on land and at sea, involvement of stakeholders and local residents in activities and projects.


WP1, WP6, WP7, WP8


Prof.Herman Hummel, MSc Rob Segeren, BAS Britt Thijssen, MA Josephine Koopman, MSc Bram Sturm, Christiaan Hummel


Team leader:
Prof. Herman Hummel (WP1 LEADER) : herman.hummel@hufoss.nl