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Joint action AZTI summer school 2024

Our MARBEFES team were strong during the AZTI 2024 summer school (https://www.azti.es/event/summer-school-2024/) held in San Sebastián (Spain) between 11 and 13 June. Our colleagues, Julie Bremner, Mike Elliot and Tymon Zielinski run sessions and young researchers made their presentation too. Gemma Smith from @G4S_ECR also encouraged school participants to join the ECR network.

This 20th edition of AZTI´s Summer School, the topic proposed is “Bridging the gap between marine science and policy: Communicating for an informed society and decision-making". This year, the school was organized in the framework of several Horizon Europe projects: GES4SEAS, OBAMA-NEXT, BiOcean5D, ACTNOW, Marine SABRES and MARBEFES.


See the program here!